Monday, December 24, 2012

Case updates & verdicts

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2012 lawsuits filed with the assistance of The clients listed below came to reporting varied forms of police misconduct. Some reported that they were physically assaulted, falsely accused & arrested, and more… Their emotions ranged from disbelief to anger that they could be subject to such events by police officers whom swore an oath to protect and serve. Our job was to collect evidence and support our clients’ innocence. In some cases, we testified in court against the police officers involved. In other instances, we gathered valued evidence to prove our clients’ innocence. We are proud to say we did our job. That means, doing thorough investigations, requisite evidence collection, and the application of expert opinion – built on a foundation of decades of experience and dedication. The outcomes in these cases speak for themselves.

A Record of Success 

Jake Rhealt suing Fargo North Dakota Police Department-false arrest

Dr. Pete Desai suing Sumter County Sheriff's office-excessive force

Salem Zahn suing Dallas Texas Police Department-excessive force

Damieon Raspberry suing Henderson County Sheriff office-false arrest.

5 more cases being added

Found an attorney after stepped in to help.

Carmen Rincun-false arrest and assault

Tyra Henderson-police homicide

Not guilty 2012 verdicts or dismissals

Jessica Duty False Charge-breaking and entering

Darrell Lee  False Charge-possession of controlled substances

Crystal Thomas  False Charge-disturbing the peace and resisting arrest

Not Guilty 2011

Deborah Carney False Charge-assault with a deadly weapon against a retired police officer.

Robert Smith False Charge-resisting arrest

Settlements and judgments

2010 client Name Withheld Settlement Niagara Falls PD. amount undisclosed

2009 Michelle Olson Settlement amount undisclosed San Bernardino County Sheriff's office

2006 Freddie MacLeod settlement $2 million Jefferson County Sheriff's office

1992 Leonard Barrela $5 million settlement Hawthorne Police Department

1990 Hildebrandt Flowers $3 million settlement divided among several victims Los Angeles Police Department Southwest division

                                             (under construction-we are adding 30 cases)